The Hoodoisie

Chicago’s only radical, live news show

 In 2020, I worked as The Hoodoisie’s Editorial Producer when the show pivoted to livestreaming for “Pandemic Issues,” our investigative and community response to COVID-19. We produced over 20 episodes tackling the intersection of the pandemic and issues with policing, education, parenting, and more. As Editorial Producer, I conducted background research on our topics and guests, scripted the interviews, and coordinated livestreaming on Facebook.

I also bottom-lined a series of 6 teach-ins at the intersection of Black and Brown coalition-building and history.

In 2023, we returned to producing live shows across Chicago. We welcomed guests like activists, organizers, survivors, and media-makers across the world to join us in conversation on issues they face and forged connections in advocacy.

The Hoodoisie: Hope-Apocalyptic

Follow The Hoodoisie on Instagram to learn more about our latest episodes.

The Hoodoisie: Pandemic Issues 2020

Check out the full playlist on YouTube.

Liberation in Black & Tan: Teach-In Series

Check out the full playlist on YouTube.